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We Reveal the Best 10 ft Trampolines to Buy This Year 

Looking for a reliable and safe 10 ft trampoline? Read on to find out how you can pick the perfect 10ft trampoline from our expert-led list of top-rated models!

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We Reveal the Best 10 ft Trampolines to Buy This Year 

When it comes to 10 ft trampolines, there’s a lot that you need to consider. 

Beyond the bounce, there are factors like safety, quality, weight capacity, design and price, among others, that must be considered to get the right trampoline for your family. 

Using our experience as a springless trampoline innovator and manufacturer, we’ve used a thorough and fair research process to narrow down the best 10 ft trampolines currently on the market. 

Best 10 ft Trampolines to Buy  for 2025

This list will provide pros, cons and the costs of each of the five trampoline models. Since there are a couple common cons that all 10 ft trampolines will share, we’re going to share those now to avoid repetitiveness:    

Con #1: A 10 ft trampoline is not the trampoline size to buy if you want your child to grow with the trampoline during their childhood. You would want to purchase a bigger model first. It’s just like clothes: You buy for the future to let them grow into it! 

Con #2: 10 ft trampolines may not be suitable for smaller, narrower, backyards.

The order of this list is based on pricing - we’re going from least expensive to most expensive so you can see the best options on the market at each price point.    

  1. SkyBound 10 Ft Trampoline 

Skybound 10 ft Trampoline with green safety padding


  • Affordable compared to other 10 ft trampolines. 

  • UV-resistant safety enclosure net. 

  • No-gap design protects from spring-related injuries.  

  • Weight capacity of 265 pounds.    

  • Mostly positive user reviews (although not as many total reviews as the other trampolines on this list). 


  • Uses inexpensive materials (ex: bare steel instead of painted steel). 

  • Static metal poles could pose a safety hazard to wayward jumpers.

  • 1-year limited warranty on all materials other than the frame. 

  • Assembling the Trampoline gave users some issues.

Who Would Be a Fit for SkyBound’s 10 ft Trampoline?  

If you’re looking for a good affordable option, SkyBound’s 10 ft Trampoline would be a trampoline to look into. However, it’s built with low-quality materials and has a limited warranty, meaning it may not last for a long period of time.  

Cost: $239.95 (SkyBound)    

Photo courtesy of SkyBound.  

2.  Skywalker 10 ft Trampoline

Skywalker 10 ft Trampoline  


  • Affordable compared to other 10 ft trampolines. 

  • Comes with a no-gap enclosure system that helps prevent contact with the trampoline springs.

  • Relatively easy to assemble.    

  • Mostly positive user reviews.   


  • Static metal poles could pose a safety hazard to wayward jumpers when jumping into the net.

  • Uses inexpensive material—especially the netting--that makes it susceptible to breaking down or being affected by weather. Comparably low single jumper weight capacity of 175 pounds.   

  • Basic design.   

  • Warranty is 3-year limited on the frame and 1-year limited on other materials. 

Who Would Be a Fit for Skywalker’s 10 ft Trampoline?  

If you’re looking for an affordable option, Skywalker’s 10 ft Trampoline would be a trampoline to look into. However, the low weight capacity, inexpensive material and mundane design of the Trampoline should be considered before purchasing. 

Cost: $249 (Skywalker)  

Photo courtesy of Skywalker.   

 3. Zupapa 10 ft Trampoline 

Zupapa 10 ft Trampoline  


  • Patented no-gap design of the mat mitigates the risk of hands or feet getting caught in the springs.    

  • Uses hot-dip galvanization to make the frame more resistant to rust.  

  • High weight capacity of 375 pounds.  

  • 10-year warranty for the frame. 

  • Very positive user reviews. 


  • Although the trampoline comes with a no-gap design on the mat, the springs are still located inside the enclosure—which creates the potential for injury if the padding covering the springs starts to wear down. 

  • Static metal poles could pose a safety hazard for wayward jumpers jumping into the net. 

  • Relatively basic design for a trampoline. 

  • Only a 2-year warranty for trampoline mat, frame pad, safety net and springs. 

Who Would Be a Fit for Zupapa’s 10 ft Trampoline?  

Zupapa’s 10 ft Trampoline has a high weight capacity and includes some impressive durability features. There are some notable safety concerns, though--like the springs being located inside the jumping area--that need to be considered.   

Cost: $529.99 (Zupapa)  

Photo courtesy of Amazon.  

4. ACON 10 ft Trampoline 


  • Acon’s X-Series Springs, which are 7 inches (large for springs), provide a solid bounce. 

  • Includes a galvanized steel frame and UV-protected padding for durability. 

  • 10-year warranty on the frame and 5-year warranty on the mat.

  • Ladder comes standard with purchase.  

  • Positive reviews (however, not as many reviews as the other models). 


  • Metal poles that hold up the net are linear, which could create an injury risk when jumping into the net. 

  • Springs are inside the jumping area, which creates a pinch point concern if the mat starts deteriorating over time. 

  • Have to pay for the “Premium” version to get the premium netting. 

**(Acon did not list a specific single jumper weight capacity) 

Who Would Be a Fit for ACON’s Air 10 ft Trampoline?  

ACON’s Air 10 ft Trampoline contains a high-quality bounce and would be a good fit for budgets under the $1,000 range. There are some notable safety concerns, though--like the springs being located inside the jumping area--that need to be considered. 

Cost: $749 (Acon)

5. Springfree 10 ft Medium Round Trampoline 

Springfree 10 ft Medium Round Trampoline 


  • Industry-leading trampoline safety features, such as a springless design, a net that flexes when jumped into, a mat with no hard edges and the use of enclosure rods instead of metal trampoline poles. 

  • Made from quality materials such as a galvanized steel base with three layers of rust protection and patented composite fiberglass rods for the jumping system that are 3x stronger than steel.

  • Provides 12 ft of jumping space even though it is 10 ft wide.  

  • Frame is positioned to be “hidden” so the jumper cannot make contact with it.    

  • 10-year warranty is included for all parts that cover manufacturer defects in material and workmanship.    

  • Visually pleasing design that adds to a backyard’s aesthetic.   

  • Positive user reviews.   


  • Price may not be justifiable for some budgets.  

  • Can be difficult to self-install, although professional installation is offered for $399 (Check out our Tips for Assembly if assembling without professional assistance).  

Cost: $1,499 (Springfree)      

If you enjoyed this list, you may also want to look at the "Best 12 ft Trampolines" and "Best 14 ft Trampolines" you can buy this year!

Who Would Be a Fit for Springfree’s 10 ft Medium Round Trampoline?  

Springfree’s Medium Round Trampoline Model has features that make it the safest, most quality trampoline on the market that can last up to 10+ years. However, its high price point and complicated installation are factors to consider before purchasing. 

4 Common Questions About 10 ft Trampolines   

Now that you’ve seen the list of the best 10 ft trampolines, we’re going to answer a few of the most common questions about trampolines of this size: 

1. How Much Weight Can a 10 ft Trampoline Hold? 

This depends on the single jumper weight capacity, or trampoline weight limit, recommended by the manufacturer of the trampoline. On this list, the 10 ft trampolines could hold a single jumper weight of 175-375 pounds, and that is a good range to use as a reference.

2. Can Adults Jump on a 10 ft Trampoline? 

Yes! But make sure to look at the single jumper weight capacity of the trampoline you’re using before jumping.  

3. Is There a Big Difference Between a 10 ft and 12 ft Trampoline? 

Yes, because a 12 ft trampoline will be wider, it can hold more weight and has a larger jumping surface than a 10 ft trampoline. 

4. Is a 10 ft Trampoline Big Enough for 2 or 3 Kids? 

A 10 ft trampoline is likely big enough to hold up to 3 kids, but you run the risk of injury when multiple jumpers are using this size of trampoline at the same time. We recommend a “One-Jumper-at-a-Time Rule.” 

Which 10 ft Trampoline Is Right for Your Family?  

Now that you’ve seen the best 10 ft trampolines, which one stood out the most to you?  

Whatever priorities are most important for you---affordability, safety, quality, design, etc---you will be able to narrow down which one of the trampolines on here would be best for you based on your goals.  

At Springfree Trampoline, we strive to deliver you with the content and tools necessary to make the most informed purchasing decision possible for your next trampoline.  

If you want to see exactly how a 10 ft trampoline would look in your backyard, use your phone to access our Augmented Reality (AR) Tool.

With three easy steps, you can accurately visualize what a 10 ft trampoline would look like at your house.  

Happy jumping!

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