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14 Must-Have Toys to Upgrade Your Trampoline

Upgrade your trampoline with these 14 must-have trampoline toys, guaranteed to keep your kids engaged and active outdoors! Get ready for thrilling fun. 

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14 Must-Have Toys to Upgrade Your Trampoline

Looking for super fun and unique trampoline toys to elevate your family’s backyard play?  

Well, look no further!   

We have compiled a list of the best toys to transform your trampoline into more than just a bouncing surface.  

Get ready for some fun.   

14 Best Toys for Trampolines   

The following toys (also called trampoline accessories) are sure to make playtime the best time of day:   

1. Trampoline Basketball Hoop 

A boy shooting a basketball on a trampoline basketball hoop.

You can consider the trampoline basketball hoop as an essential for trampoline fun.   

If your kids love playing hoops, a trampoline is the perfect place to practice your dunks. It’s also great for games like HORSE! 

You need to look at which brand of trampoline you have before purchasing a hoop to ensure it fits your model (most trampoline brands will sell a hoop).   

Tip: If you have an extra-large trampoline, like the Springfree Jumbo Oval Trampoline, you can fit two basketball hoops on each side and make a mini-court!

Photo courtesy of Springfree Trampoline.  

2. Trampoline Ball  

A trampoline ball and pump can be used for many trampoline games, like: 

  • Monkey in the Middle (a classic) 
  • Dodgeball 
  • Hot Potato  

It’s also fun to play catch with a person off the trampoline. Try doing tricks while catching the ball – it’ll make for a fun challenge.    

3. Chalk  

Chalk drawing is a childhood staple.  

A trampoline mat is the perfect place to create some cool designs with chalk.  

You can also play games like tic-tac-toe or hopscotch.  

A hidden benefit to chalk drawing? The kids get to clean the mat with soap and water afterward – a fun activity for the kids and a clean trampoline for your backyard!  

4. Trampoline Slide  

A trampoline slide is another fun way to level up your trampoline.  

Kids love sliding, and it’s a fun way for young kiddos to make a smooth exit off the trampoline. 

You can find trampoline slides on Amazon for under $100. 

5. Bubbles 

Bubbles are another entertaining childhood product to bring onto the trampoline.   

There’s a trampoline game called Bubble Pop that kids find incredibly enjoyable.  

It’s a simple concept. You have somebody blow bubbles to you while on the trampoline, and you try to pop as many as you can.   

If multiple people are playing, set a timer for 30 seconds and have somebody keep a score of how many bubbles you can pop. Then have the next person go and see who wins!  

6. Trampoline Lights  

Would your kids be interested in night jumping?   

Stringing lights from a trampoline is a compelling way to get outside and active at night.   

It can also be used to host a trampoline sleepover or even a movie night with friends:   

Three kids watching a movie on a trampoline with popcorn, blankets and lights.
Photo courtesy of Springfree Trampoline.

7. Sleeping Bag   

Speaking of sleepovers, if you’re planning on hosting one on your trampoline, you’ll need sleeping bags.   

The great thing about hosting a trampoline sleepover is the possibilities are endless.  

You can build a trampoline fort, host a book club, tea party, movie night, or simply relax and enjoy the outdoors.   

8. Trampoline Sprinkler 

Playing in water from the backyard sprinkler is a timeless childhood activity (even in a world full of screens!).   

For water trampoline fun, place the sprinkler underneath or around the trampoline and jump! 

Caution: A wet jumping mat can be slippery. Use caution with trampoline water toys and ALWAYS follow trampoline safety rules, like one jumper at a time.  

9. Water Balloons  

If you don’t have a sprinkler, water balloons are another great way to cool down on hot summer days.   

They are a great trampoline toy to have when friends are over. If you’re hosting a trampoline birthday party, they are ESSENTIAL.    

Game idea: Try the game “Elude the Balloon.” Have one person jump on the trampoline while another tosses water balloons at the jumper. Make sure to tell the kids not to aim for the head or face area.    

10. Trampoline Triple Toss  

We found this game on Amazon called Trampoline Triple Toss that looks like a ton of fun.  

Two kids playing the trampoline triple toss game on a trampoline.


Photo courtesy of Amazon. This is a CAD (Computer Aided Design image and may not reflect how the product looks. 

11. Speaker  

What’s better than jumping? Well, jumping to your favorite playlist, of course.  

Grabbing a speaker and playing music can amplify your trampoline experience.  

Put on your favorite song and try to bounce with the beat for an extra challenge!     

12. Trampoline Ball Pit  

Remember jumping into a ball pit as a kid?  

Some stores, like Amazon or Lowes, sell trampoline ball pits that your kids can use on the backyard trampoline.   

13. Telescope   

If your kids are interested in astronomy, a trampoline is the perfect place to stargaze.   

Grab a telescope and enjoy the extraordinary sights of space from the comfort of your trampoline.   

14. Trampoline Tent (Or Sunshade)  

Last on our List of best trampoline toys and accessories is a trampoline tent or sunshade.  

The benefits of this type of covering are two-fold: It’s cool to jump in, but it also protects your kids (and trampoline) from the sun.  

The sun is the trampoline’s worst enemy.   

Too much direct sunlight can be harmful to a trampoline’s structure.  

A tent or sunshade can help remedy this problem. It also makes the trampoline inviting to jump on! 

A little girl jumping on a trampoline with water balloons on the mat and a sunshade over the enclosure system.


You can purchase our Trampoline Sun Shade if you have a Springfree Trampoline.  

50 Creative Ways to Use Your Trampoline 

There are countless ways to use a trampoline. It’s not just a place to bounce.  

Trampoline toys and games can convert your trampoline into a haven of happiness to be enjoyed for the long haul.  

If you’re looking for more inspiration to keep your kids jumping, check out 50 Imaginative Ideas for What to Do on a Trampoline! 

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